Reservoir dogs, season 2: React vs. Vue
"Do you feel that smell? That’s frontend, son. Nothing else in this world smells like it.
I like the smell of frontend in the morning. Once we were refactoring one feature for 12 hours in a row. And when it all finished… Well, there were no unchanged files left.
One day this war of frameworks will be over…"
Hi, it’s us again! This time the experts Mr. Blue (Ilya Taratukhin) and Mr. Green (Evgeny Gusev) reach new heights: our good old star-spangled React tries to defend the border against the rapidly coming Vue. Explosions everywhere, frontenders lying around… Wait. This analogy has gone way too far. Let’s make it simple: we’ll look at two frameworks in order to understand what are the differences and similarities and who’s got a chance to come out on top in this fight.
Used to work on .NET, Microsoft stack for quite a long time. Worked at Quest Software, after that moved to Dell to work on frontend. Worked his way from CoffeeScript + Angular 1.0 to Dart + Angular 2.0. Currently works at Wrike (, a high-load SAAS application with very rich client code. Wrike team uses Dart and Angular 2.0 and aspires to be up-to-date with all modern trends in the web world.
Used to work at 2GIS for 5 years, starting as a Junior Developer, finally becoming a Senior Developer. While working on and other company’s products, managed to work with Knockoutjs, take part in writing personal isomorphic framework and take a closer look at React. Then worked for one year and a half at Wrike, where he got all sorrow and joy of working on Dart + Angular stack. Since recently works at VKontakte. As you see, you’ve got plenty of things to discuss with Ilya!