• May, 19-20
  • St. Petersburg, Pobedy Square 1
RU / Day 2 / Track3

The client has a slow device, and you need to do a lot of hard work in the UI-stream.

  • How to achieve 60 fps without turning the code into spaghetti?
  • How to cancel already started calculations when they need to be repeated with up-to-date data?

You have a server that calculates the response to the request from 1 ms to 10 s.

  • How to make sure that long tasks don't block fast tasks, without creating a thread for each request?
  • How to cancel already started calculations when the client has disconnected?

Spoiler: stackfull fibers will help us to give each task a processor time by quants up to 16 ms.

Дмитрий Карловский
Dmitry Karlovsky

In my childhood I had a computer but didn’t have any toys. So I had to invent them myself. So I became a programmer. I used to work in Yandex, Wrike, Saprun, Gazprom. I created a few startups. Including a web framework that was ahead of its time.