Serverless and React 2 (it's just sleight of hand)
We bet, it's not the first time when you meet a word "serverless", but we still hope that this time we persuade you to try it out. And for those who are already familiar with AWS lambdas, we have a few handy tricks and tools to share.
In this talk, we'll show how to create an isomorphic React Redux application step by step. We'll start with the creation of sample lambda function from AWS console and at the end will make a more complex isomorphic project with fully automated deployment.
Lead software engineer in EPAM Systems defiantly living in Los Angeles. Currently in teleportation to a Solution Architecture role. As part of that she leads a few projects for data science department, and, in spite of a good weather, spends her weekends studying online courses. She has a dream to write a control module for a space rocket on JS.